Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects 100 million men worldwide. Extended periods of improper nutrition, impaired circulation, emotional stress, and prescription drugs are the primary causes of ED.
A change in diet and lifestyle will, in most cases, reduce blood pressure which supports a reverse in ED. When the blood pressure is under control, and medication is no longer indicated, some men find they are able to more easily achieve and maintain an erection.
98% of the diseases blamed as the cause of erectile dysfunction are nutrition and stress-related, including diabetes and arteriosclerosis. Those diseases can normally be cleared up with a change of diet and/or lifestyle. In other words, outside of illness, erectile dysfunction is primarily caused by depleted nutritional status, a blocked circulatory system, high emotional stress, or prescription medications.
Stress and Erectile Dysfunction
If you are over stressed, you must identify the cause of it, or find its source. If your stress level is high because of a person close to you, talk it through with that person. Engage their help and work out a way to eliminate it, or to at least reduce it to a comfortable level.
If you find the cause of your stress to be difficult and unreasonable, disconnect from it. Kindly and respectfully move away from it. In other words, peacefully resign all persons, places, and things that are no longer part of your life. Focus on drawing more positive, calming energy into your life, and you will find yourself less stressed. Too much stress is not only destructive; it is also a prime cause of erectile dysfunction. For more information about stress and ED, please go here.
Nutrition, Supplements, and Erectile Dysfunction Good nutrition and supportive supplementation may help improve ED. Please consider adding the following dietary tips to your daily routine:
- Eat whole, fresh, unrefined, and unprocessed foods. Include organic fruits (especially blueberries, cherries, raspberries, and strawberries), green leafy vegetables, whole grains like quinoa and brown rice, beans, seeds (including ground flaxseed), nuts, olive oil, and cold-water fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, and mackerel) on a daily basis.
- Avoid as best you can, or confine to special occasions, sugar, dairy products, refined foods, fried foods, junk foods, and caffeine. Eliminate one day of fast food eating until you are ready to eliminate a second day. Eliminate two days per week until you are ready to eliminate fast food from your diet completely.
- Avoid over-consumption of alcohol and other mind-altering substances.
- When you eat processed or refined foods, avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated fats) especially, as these fats are an artery’s worst nightmare, and have a profoundly negative effect on libido and performance.
- Drink 50% of your body weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., if you weigh 200 lbs, drink 100 ounces of water daily). If this seems impossible, start with a small daily increase and build your way to your recommended amount.
- Sufficient zinc is required to achieve an erection, and sufficient potassium is required to maintain an erection. Consider asking your doctor to check these levels during your next visit.
- Vitamins E, C, Selenium, and Vitamin B-complex are supportive of vascular health and may be taken in conjunction with a high quality multi-vitamin.
It is important to consult a physician about erectile dysfunction to determine the cause, correct any underlying organic factor, and receive appropriate treatment.
Please consult your health professional before taking any supplements.
PS - a dear gentleman friend advises: if you have suffered a head injury or repetitive-type trauma (think football player in high school, for example), and experience ED, please have your testosterone level checked. Your pituitary gland (the body's Hormone Staging Area) may have been damaged long ago! Your relatively simple fix may be testosterone supplementation. See your health care practitioner for more information.
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