Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to Cook Greens

It's okay to not cook your greens for hours; greens prefer a gentler touch. To all you green-haters: you might like them when they aren't overcooked.

Steamed Collards or Kale: rinse your greens in cold water and trim the leaves away from the hard middle stem, if necessary. Roll the leaves together and cut into medium shreds, or chop them any way you want to. Set your metal steamer in a pot with an inch or so of water. When the water boils, add the greens and cover; set your kitchen timer to no longer than 4 minutes, and 3 minutes might be just right for young tender greens; don’t overcook! Carefully remove the basket from steam. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, a little balsamic or apple cider vinegar, and a dash of good quality sea salt. These are delicious for breakfast with a boiled egg and a piece of toast, or leftover cold for lunch. For an extra boost, add as much fresh raw minced garlic as you'd like.

Beet Greens or Spinach: rinse and chop, if needed. The red stems of beet greens are delicious; include them. Cook these greens in boiling water NO LONGER than one minute; both beet greens and spinach contain measurable amounts of oxalic acid which can aggravate kidney or bladder problems; once they are quickly cooked in water, the oxalic acid is removed. Drain, and dress to your taste.

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