Thursday, April 15, 2010

Did Somebody Say Cookies?

"Good health isn't all or nothing."
-Ronald Schmid, Traditional Foods are your Best Medicine

Make a batch of your world - famous chocolate chip cookies. Only this time, bake with the highest quality ingredients you can find - farm fresh eggs from happy chickens, rich spring butter from pastured cows, organic and fair trade dark chocolate, rapadura (unrefined, unbleached whole cane sugar), and organic unbleached flour. Add a quarter cup of strong coffee to the batter for a bit more intensity and a thinner cookie.

Oh, go ahead, lick the beater. You know you want to.


  1. I want a real recipe!!! Please break it down, sister. :)

  2. Your favorite one, only with organic ingredients. You're not gonna make me reinvent the wheel, are you? :-)
